Skating offers children and young people a refuge from their rough everyday life

In October 2013, the Soforthilfe La Paz e.V. received a visit from Hanover. Arne Hillerns from “make life skate life“ presented a breathtaking project: the construction of a skate park for children and young people from disadvantaged social backgrounds at an altitude of almost 4000 meters.
Mainly to these children and young people, who live in homelessness or extreme poverty, this skate park should be made accessible free of charge. Here they should be allowed to be kids and learn to use their leisure time sensibly without discrimination and violence and experience community without exclusion.
In addition, and this should be the task of the Soforthilfe La Paz e.V., they should be able to take advantage of educational offers and receive skate lessons free of charge in the skate house.
Construction of skate park and skate house
The city administration of La Paz, the German embassy in La Paz and the Association La Paz (ASLP), the skate club La Paz, came on board. With over 100 volunteers all over the world this project was realized and a large skate park built.
The skate house was financed with grants from the German embassy’s “Finanzierung von Miniprojekten (financing of mini-projects)“. Soforthilfe La Paz e.V. received approval for these funds in February 2014. A site manager and some rehabilitants from Comunidad Terapéutica (CTSH) of Soforthilfe La Paz e.V. built the house. Association La Paz (ASLP) did the interior of the skatepark.

The skate house is happy about support!
There are still a few challenges to be mastered before the skate house works properly, but maybe it can succeed with YOUR help!
If you would like to contribute your skills to this special project, then apply with us: